Sundae School Ice Cream

Welcome to Sundae School Ice Cream

Named one of the "Best Ice Cream Spots in the U.S."
by Food and Wine Magazine

Making Homemade Ice Cream on Cape Cod
Since 1976


Now Hiring for 2025

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Bulletin Board
Best Ice Cream Spots in the U.S.
Sundae School Ice Cream was named one of the "Best Ice Cream Spots in the U.S." by Food and Wine Magazine.

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Sundae School voted Top 10 ice cream places in the state by readers at MassLive
Sundae School was voted as one of the Top 10 ice cream places in the state by our readers at MassLive - a statewide news organization. Sundae Schoo...

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#5 in the country by USA Today!
Sundae School was recently voted #5 in the country by USA Today!

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More From The Bulletin Board. . .

Available Year Round
Sundae School ice cream is made fresh all year round and sold by the quart at . . . 

Ring Brothers Market
485 Rt 134, South Dennis, MA 

and at  . . . 

Dennis Public Market 
653 Main St 6A, Dennis, MA

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Sundae School was recently voted #5 in the country by USA Today!


Sundae School Ice Cream

Over the years, our ice cream has been applauded in numerous publications such as, the Boston Globe, Cape Cod Life, The Boston Herald, The Cape Cod Times, and “The Very Best Ice Cream ; and Where to find It”, to name a few. We feel confident you will enjoy your visit and hope that you will return frequently to further your ice cream education at Sundae School.